1·"Hedge funds used to be set up by two guys in a back alley with a flashlight," says one veteran.
2·A back alley, but the room is away from the noise of the traffic.
3·He had no intention of dragging her daughter down the dark back alley. No.
4·Back Alley - Area between the back boundary line and the long service line for doubles.
5·“Hedge funds used to be set up by two guys in a back alley with a flashlight, ” says one veteran.
6·With a room that now faced a back alley, another English tourist in the same hotel offered a switch.
7·Fuguo then made a phone call and soon we were being ushered past a goat into a back alley decorated with colourful paper flowers.
8·Muniannal worked in a back alley in Madras, sorting through used syringes with lightning speed to separate the needles from the plastic.
9·For more safety don't run away to a back alley or a dark secluded spot, run towards a brightly lit area where there are lots of people.
10·With the subprime mess working its way into every back alley of the stock, bond, and money markets, this is a tricky time to be searching for income.
现如今,想要获得收入是要有技巧的。 次级债的问题广泛影响了股票、债券和货币市场,稍不注意,就有可能陷入泥潭。